It is with pride that we can announce that the Dutch College of GPs has accredited our practice (Huisartsen Sarphatipark) from September 2016.
What is the significance of Practice Accreditation by the Dutch College of GPs?
Practice Accreditation by the Dutch College of GPs is a token of quality as defined by the College. This token of quality proves that the practice meets the national guidelines and continuously improves its quality.
Who is the Dutch College of General Practitioners (NHG)?
The NHG is the scientific society of GPs and promotes optimal and accountable care by GPs. As a linking pin between science and daily practice the college contributes to professionalizing General Practice Care. Nearly all Dutch GPs are member and the college has over 10.000 members. The College is fully independent.
How does a practice qualify for Practice Accreditation?
To qualify a practice is thoroughly analysed, involving practice management, organization and clinical practice. A patient questionnaire is part of the program. Accreditation is valid for three years and involves improvement plans for the practice to be evaluated in time. A College representative yearly checks progress of the practice and whether the practice has maintained the standards in order to warrant optimal care.
How does accreditation serve your interest as a patient?
Accreditation warrants the efforts of the practice to continuously improve the quality of cure and care. Your practice has high standards, provides optimal care and shows permanent interest in your care.